37 Really?

今天我们将继续学习一些日常对话中的小技巧。在对话种我们可以适时地加上“Really?”(真的吗)来表达自己的惊讶之情。请看以下对话:Where are you from?(你从哪里来)I’m from China.(我从中国来)REALLY? Wow China! Nice!(真的吗?哇,中国!很不错!)What´s your family name?(你姓什么)My family name is Amaral! / It´s Amaral(我姓Amaral)REALLY? My family name is Amaral too!(真的吗?我也姓Amaral!)

53 Conversation Strategy - well

今天我们将学习一个对话技巧,就是在口语交际时,我们可以在句子中使用Well作为一种语气辅助词。Well在口语中可以表示惊讶、无奈、期待、让步等语气。我们来看一下实际的应用:Do you work every day?(你每天工作吗)Well… yes! I work every day.(嗯,是的。我每天工作)Well… No, I don’t. Not every day.(唔,不是。并不是每天都工作)Do you study English every day?(你每天都学英语吗)Well… Yes! I study English ...

84 Conversation Strategy - feedback

今天我们将学习一些口语对话中实用的表达。我们在日常生活中对一些事物都会有一些好或不好的观点,当我们想表达“好”时,我们可以说:That’s good!(那很好)That’s great!(那太好了)That’s wonderful!(那好极了);而当我们想表达“不好”时,我们可以说That’s bad.(那不好)That’s terrible!(那很糟糕)That’s horrible!(那很糟糕)Terrible和Horrible一样,都是糟糕的意思。我们再来学习以下例句:I am playing soccer every day.(我每天都踢足球)That’s great, but are you studying English?(那很好啊,但是你现在正在学英语吗)No, I’m not.(不,我没有学)That’s terrible! You need to study ...

95 Let me think, let's see

今天我们来学习用英文表达“为什么”和“因为”。在提问“为什么”时我们说“why”;在表达“因为”时我们说“because”。请看以下例句:Why do you exercise?(你为什么要锻炼身体)Because it’s good for my health.(因为这对我身体好)Why do you live in China?(你为什么生活在中国)Because I work here.(因为我在这里工作)现在请试着回答以下问题:Why do you study English?(你为什么学习英语)Why do you work?(你为什么工作)Why do ...

125 Appropriate responses

今天我们将学习三个重要的英文表达:Happy birthday!(生日快乐)Happy anniversary!(周年快乐)Congratulations!(恭喜恭喜)

126 Appropriate Responses II

今天我们将继续学习三个重要的英文表达:Good luck!(祝你好运)Good for you.(对你很好)You poor thing.(你好可怜)

127 Did you?

今天我们将学习一个英文表达:Wow, did you?(哇,你真的这么做了吗)这个表达的含义有时可以等同于Really?(真的吗)请参看以下情景实例:Sophia, I went hiking yesterday.(Sophia我昨天去登山了)Wow, did you?(哇,你真的去了吗)这个表达中的人称可以替换,例如:Wow, did she?(她真的这么做了吗)

148 Conversation strategy - anyway

今天我们将学习一些由Go或Get组成的短语。含有Go的短语有:Go out(出去)、Go on a trip(去旅行)、Go hiking(去登山)、Go running(去跑步)。含有Get的短语有:Get lost(迷路)、Get sick(生病)、Get along with(与…相处)请试着回答以下几个问题:Where did you go last night?(你昨晚去了哪里)Where did you go last Sunday?(上个周日你去了哪里)Where did you go on ...

R Resumen Básico IV

Congratulations!!! Este es el resumen del nivel Básico III de tu Curso de Inglés Tú Aprendes Ahora. En este resumen we talk about the classes ...

169 Or something, or anything

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora a Conversation Stategy (una estratégia de conversación). Or something (o algo). Or anything (o algo/nada). Like, comment ...

170 Conversation strategy - or something/anything

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora a conversation strategy (una estrategia de conversación). …or something (o algo). …or anything (o algo).  Like, comment ...

171 Conversation strategy - or...

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora a conversation strategy (una estratégia de conversación). Or… (o...). Communicative Approach (abordaje comunicativo). Or… (o...). Do you ...

172 A different exercise with "or..."

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora a different exercise with "or" (un ejercicio diferente con "or"). Questions (preguntas). You tell me if I ...

177 Anyway

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora conversation strategies (estrategias de conversación). Anyway (de todas maneras). Change the topic of a conversation (cambiar el ...

203 Top 5 words in English

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora las Top #5 words in English (las 5 palabras más usadas en inglés). #1 - I (yo). ...

204 Top 10 words in English

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora las top 10 words in English (las 10 palabras más usadas en inglés). #1 – I (yo). ...

211 Where do you make new friends?

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora where do you make new friends? (dónde haces nuevos amigos?). Like (dale un "like"). Subscribe (suscribe). Comment ...

212 Making new friends - questions

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora making new friends (haciendo nuevos amigos). Like this class (dale un "me gusta" en esta clase). Comment ...

215 Appropriate topics to start a conversation

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora appropriate ways to start a conversation (maneras apropiadas de empezar una conversación). Are you all right? (estás ...

216 Actually - a false cognate

Clase del curso de ingles tu aprendes ahora a conversation strategy (estrategia de conversación). Actually (de hecho, en realidad). “Like” this class (dale un "me ...

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